Friday, April 3, 2015

He Lives

As fun (and delicious) as mini-eggs are, and as cute and cuddly as bunnies and chicks are... The true reason of Easter is of course remembering Christ's atonement - His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemene, His crucifixion, and His glorious resurrection.

He Lives Video (click)
(It's short, and AWESOME)

For me,

The most joyous feeling one can have is that of comfort and peace.
The Saviour makes this feeling possible in the deepest most all-incompassing way. What brings me the most comfort in life is just knowing that someone understands me, completely. No one is the same, and regardless of whether or not individuals encounter the exact same physical moment, no one  will ever walk out feeling the exact same way. People can offer sympathy, but I believe that only Christ can offer the true empathy that is needed to gain comfort. There have been dark times when even I don't understand the problems or feelings that are being circulated through me, but as I've reached out to my Saviour I have felt the healing balm of His reassurance that He knows and He understands exactly what I'm going through. Through comfort I can gain that peace I need to calm my troubled heart.

The most terrifying awful feeling one can have is guilt.
The Saviour soothes this pain by offering His atonement, so that through true repentance you can release your guilt and move forward clean again.

The most helpless you can feel is when your body is battling a life-threatening condition - whether illness or sudden accident.
The Saviour gives hope and help in this by conquering death through the resurrection, through him, everyone shall live long beyond the passing of one's mortal body and given the opportunity to rise again with a perfected body.

The Saviour covers all pain, all joy, and all the in between.

Heaven's slice is knowing that He's here.

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