Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I need to start out by saying I am like super blessed. I've got TONS of things I'm grateful for: family, faith, health, financial stability/independence, chocolate... the list goes on forever, literally. But I think I need to focus on just one. So this is the one that really stands out to me.

I'm grateful for prayer and answers that come.

I have an abundance of deeply personal and spiritual moments in my life that to me are too sacred to share, but I also have plenty of other simple yet still profound that I can share on the subject.

Prayer is a daily thing for me, sometimes only twice a day, sometimes 10+ times a day. But the more I implement questions that I need help on into my prayers the more I find the answers and help from a Heavenly Father that loves me more than I can even comprehend.

I've always prayed my whole life and received such blessings and answers from it, but a number of years back I received a firm knowledge and testimony that Heavenly Father needed me to pray sincerely. I had kept it pretty real with him, but then a certain trial sent my way changed things, it changed my prayers. I no longer felt that I was entitled to answers to my prayers. I could pray for others, but due to guilt from bounteous blessings I had been freely handed I felt I had no right to pray for myself. I kept my fears, my questions, my life, private from Him. Until one night the strong un-ignorable feeling came to me that He wanted to hear from me, He needed to hear from me, NOW. Obviously he knew what I had attempted to hide, but he needed me to let it out to Him. So I did, it was a long prayer full of tears and heartache. I felt embarrassed the next day having shown that side of me, yet 3 days later alone on a church bench, a broadcasted talk gave me the exact answer to that exact problem I had been struggling with for so long. I truly realized no matter what our circumstances he's always there to help us, we just need to pray sincerely to Him.

Prayer is a HUGE part of my life, and I simply have no desire to ever be found without it.

I've had soooo many experiences from answers to my prayers in my own personal life that I can't deny the power:

A quick prayer to help me with my budgeting efforts on a grocery trip. I bought the most food I ever bought, came in about $20 under budget when it should have been $50+ well over budget.

A strong feeling to take a casual job in a nearby town instead of a full time one 3 blocks from my house. The casual job turned into full time within 2 weeks and I found out the other job had been cut some months later due to the entire facility going bankrupt.

A prayer said in anger with a harsh demanding request. Forgotten by me, a few months later was given to me as requested. And though at the time given to me I was very troubled by it, it was brought to my memory, that I'm the one that asked for it. Apparently he hears every prayer, even the bitter ones.


We all have precious sacred experiences in our lives from the gift and power of prayer, and I'm so glad I know when all seems lost or when all is accounted for I can always pray.

(Sorry there weren't any photos!!)

Heaven's slice is prayer.

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