Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Beauty is based on numbers

I realize I am totally contradicting my statement on the Why we can't be friends post where I said that basing beauty off of numbers is absurd... But I really thought about it and I came to realize that YES, beauty is based on numbers.

It's the # of lbs on that scale, # of inches your waist is, # of inches your hips are, # of inches your thighs are, # of inches your arms are, your cup size's #(letter), your face symmetry's scoring #, your dress size #, your shoe size #,  # of pimples, # of freckles, # of birth marks, # of physical handicaps...   It's the # of times a day you flashed your pearly whites or yellows in a smile to someone. It's the # of times your hands came together in cheering for someone else's accomplishment. It's the # of songs your voice sang just for others sheer enjoyment. It's the # of tears your eyes shed in mourning for another's loss. It's the # of times your hands played peek-a-boo with a baby. It's the # of times your knees hit the floor in sincere prayer. It's the # of compliments that came out of your mouth. It's the # of times your arms folded around someone right when they needed it. It's the # of times you said the phrases 'thank you', 'I love you,' and 'I'm sorry' whole-heartedly. It's the # of talents you gained for another's benefit. It's the # of times you got back up after falling down. It's the # of steps your feet took. It's the # of times your heart skipped a beat over a tender mercy revealed. It's the # of meals your hands prepared lovingly for your family. It's the # of good books you read. It's the # of times your eyebrows raised in excitement over a surprise. It's the # of times you forgave someone's trespass. It's the # of times you felt true joy, peace, and hope. It's the # of laughs your your whole body felt. It's the # of late nights caring for someone who was sick. It's the # of times your eyes saw the artistry in each day. It's the # of times your nose smelt something that made you smile. It's the # of times you rocked a little one to sleep. It's the # of hours you spent at work so your family could have their needs provided for. It's the # of times your brain brought up a sweet memory from the archives. It's the # of people you have served selflessly .

Little does the world know that we as man do not have a measuring tape or scientific calculator strong enough to calculate beauty, nor a camera mighty enough to capture it. However, our Heavenly Father does and it's based on the simple things we tend to overlook on any given day. Beauty cannot be seen with the naked eye, only felt by the open heart.

Our body houses our spirit, we are all children of God. Knowing this, we should of course take proper care and attention to our bodies. BUT we all need to remember that whatever the condition of such body, every body has beauty, as every body houses a spirit which is a creation of our Heavenly Father. Everything that He has created is beautiful and divine.

Heaven's slice is knowing what beauty is.

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