Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Goals

This photo has been brought to you in part by: my love of Jimmy Fallon.

I LOVE New Years! The biggest reason why though is the goals. I love looking at my 'time capsuled' goals of last year and coming up with new ones. It's fresh starts and new you's; the possibilities are endless and the hope is on high gear!

Since my goals, I feel, are super personal I'm keeping them private....BUT here are 2 things that will NEVER (wow that sounds really permanent) make it into my list of goals:

1. Weight - I'll admit in years past this was on my list in my teenagerdom of self-esteem struggles, but I've changed a lot since then. Even within the past year it seems I've changed even more drastically (may be it's called maturing??). I've become SUPER passionate about advocating heightened self-esteem and self-image in people, especially youth (yes having a daughter also played a HUGE role in this). How can I go about promoting that kids, especially girls, feel that they are beautiful who they are right now if I don't even think that of myself? So, I've been implementing things in myself to promote my own self-esteem, self-image, and overall self love. A large majority of negativity on one's self stems from body issues. Therefore, weight is now on the total outs of my vocabulary, actions, and even mind. There will be no goals regarding weight ever again in my New Years resolutions. No number on a scale is going to determine how happy I can be, nor do I believe it can for anyone really.

2. Size - Same thing, different unit of measure. 

I am all for being as healthy as you can be, but weight and size are not part of this. The number on that scale and the number on that dress's tag is not going to tell you your health. It won't tell you that your food choices that day were very nourishing to your body; Nor will it tell you what sort of strength your body has right now. Eating what makes your body feel good, full, energetic, nourished etc. and moving your body in ways that give you strength, energy, flexibility, and stamina are really the only realistic health goals one can have. Weight and size aren't part of it. Health is about making your body "feel" a certain way not about making your body "look" a certain way. It's a sharpening of one's mind and will give you the positive image you've always wanted; you'll have never looked more gorgeous!

So there it is folks, my 2 "NEVER going on my list of new years goals" goals. Feel free to adopt this way of thinking :) But... you don't HAVE to... ;)

Heaven's slice is a new year.

Friday, December 26, 2014

The CHRISTmas Gift

Last year I started something new for myself for the Christmas season and wanted to continue in this tradition. It all really got spurred on by the question: "What could I give my Savior for Christmas?" Of course the loving one another and giving more of myself popped into my head, but something inside me pressed deeper. I came to the realization that when I truly love and care about someone I try hard to make time for them, to listen to them, and to get to know them more. It was with this intention I decided that I wanted to bring Christ more into my Christmas season by taking the time to learn and study His life and mission more. So, last year I decided to read all of Matthew and loved how it brought me closer to Him. This year I really wanted to read the Book of Mormon (Click to view what this book is) by Christmas.

I've read the Book of Mormon all the way through before, and almost every year I try to read it all through again. My problem is though, that I read it for a while and then I forget to; time passes by fast and I feel guilty starting where I left off, so I read it again from the beginning. I've probably read 1 + 2 Nephi 1000 times (slight exaggeration). But, this year was different, I wanted it to be a gift I could give to Christ for Christmas. And, as He has never let me down, I knew I couldn't let Him down.

Well, December came and I had been reading the Book of Mormon somewhat daily since January... a verse here, may be a chapter there. It all came to a head once I buckled down to do the calculation though: If I wanted to be done reading the Book of Mormon by Christmas I would have to read 20 pages a day. Now 20 pages may not be much for you, but let me tell you something about me - I read fast, and comprehend S---L---O---W which is why I am too impatient with books and choose to only read Church talks, articles, blog posts, and FB status' (only the short one's). I was in way over my head if I thought about it, but truth is, I didn't. I looked at that "= 20" on the screen and said, "OK."

I finished it Christmas Eve and gained even more of a testimony of it! I understood it better than I ever had before. I learned so many new and interesting things about the inhabitants of the America's B.C. and early A.D. times. But... I think the most important thing I rediscovered is the how and why Jesus Christ has always been and should always be such a relevant part of our everyday lives. The call for "Repentance" is NOT a condemnation to low lives from off a high horse. It is a glad tiding of great joy that is relayed so that we can know that change is possible, mistakes can be undone, sins can be erased, and hearts mended. Christ's message is a joyous one and the best gift anyone can have, and everyone has the option to receive.

Heaven's slice is coming to know our Saviour.

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Christmas Tree

We have always had a real tree for Christmas (except the one year with no tree, which I will not delve into due the embarrassment of how we actually didn't miss it; probably because we weren't home all Christmas).

This was only the second time though that we got it ourselves from the forest.

And.    it.     was.     awesome.

With wonderful roads to support our endeavours and an awesome weather forecast for the day, my tender heart was put totally at ease. Our little girl LOVED playing and eating the fresh snow (I'm still trying to teach her about dirty snow versus clean snow). And we got our annual Christmas card send out photo completed there. It was so nice to just be in the mountains and waltz through the snow hunting for a Christmas tree. The fresh air seems to due wonders for one's spirit, especially if you get to share the moment with 2 of your most favourite people in the entire world.

Hope you all get to enjoy the wondrous blessings in your life through this Christmas season.

Heaven's slice is family.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Balancing Busy

With Christmas approaching I feel a lot of us (including myself) often use the statement and excuse - "December is just too busy." It's so easy to get caught up in all the gifts to make and buy for all the many people in our lives, the baking, the decorating, the events to go to, the checklist to go through...

But do we actually have to? Do we have to be pulled here and there, do we have to feel the rush and hurry? I'm not so sure this "busy rush" part of Christmas is something I want for myself or my family. But how can it be changed, how can it be balanced, how can it be removed?

I don't quite know the easy answer unfortunately, but I feel I am getting to know it.

Being so busy with events, family, friends, parties, and activity advents... do we realize how blessed we are to get to be so busy? To get those social interactions, those visits, those memories. Do we realize that for some, Christmas is the loneliest time of year? It's the month where no one has time for you, they're too busy to pop in, too busy to visit, too busy to remember to invite you, to be thinking about you, to be there for you... Or do we just assume that others are too busy too, that they don't have time for us either. This time of year is it a time when our burdens are lightened, or weighed down? Is it a happy exciting time or is it a nervously anxious time. I feel that being busy during this holiday season is only as bad as the outlook we have with the busyness. If it's not a joyous time where you can be present in the moment and event at hand, not only enjoying yourself but making other's around you joyful, then what's the point of being "busy."

Opening up the time for others including ourselves.
I've started to try and adjust my mind and my heart during Christmas. To make it a time for joyful gift shopping, for more meaningful interactions with others, and to enjoy more fully the wonderful traditions to be continued and embraced. To be more present in the occasion at hand instead of overthinking and planning the moments ahead. I'm making time for myself to be present in the moment, and be more thoughtful in regards to those around me. To take time to view those tender mercies rendered from the loving hands of others. To think more on what my Savior would do in situations and adjust to be more like him. To give of myself more to others. We often don't make time for ourselves within the Christmas season, but I also think this is important. I've started a tradition to feed my soul a bit more through December, to take the time to nourish my relationship with my Heavenly Father and in direct consequence it has helped me be there for others a little more.

Christmas is a time where busy is a wonderful blessing, and if we can't quite view it as such, then may be we could all use a little time for ourselves to get closer to the reason of the season.

Christ is the gift.

Heaven's Slice is being busy.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Secret Alms

a selfless act turned selfish.
When I hear someone throwing themselves into the self-persuit of fame for their "charity,"  a piece of me cringes. It's the dreaded nails on a chalk board feel of them taking a beautiful thing and defiling it. They I took what was supposed to be about the recipient and made it about them me. It is no longer charity; though benefits still apply to the recipient , the love is taken out of the equation. 

"That thine alms may be in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret, himself shall reward thee openly."   - 3 Nephi 13:4

Truly the best most noble way to offer service (alms) to someone is to do so anonymously or hidden in a sense from the praise of others.

I have been so blessed with numerous examples of this in my life: people who have helped me with absolutely no thought or want for praise for their gesture. They just simply give because of the love they have for another. There are so many times in my life where this kindness was shown to me and I've felt the depth of the love that they are in possession of.  It is in those instances where their service in turn forced me to look toward the Savior and feel an even deeper debt of gratitude to my Heavenly Father. "But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." - Moroni 7:47  I love this scripture more especially within the last few years because I've grown to understand why charity is the pure love of Christ. For me, it is because when a charitable service is rendered in it's purest form it turns the your heart and mind to a greater power even that of the love that Christ has for you. This is the way in which charity ought to be given, in such a way that it is not found in pride for praise from the giver, but for the recipient to be filled with love. I find it so divinely interesting that regardless of the giver or receiver being a christian or not I still can't help but feel the Saviour's love enfold me. Perhaps it is because charity speaks universally to what love is.

I must share one profound example of charity I have in my archives. She was a straight shooter, tough as nails, bold, outspoken, and at times, an aggressive person. Her kindness was in a sense hidden, so it could not be paraded, but if you watched closely you could see that she was everything that her persona tried to keep a secret... she was one of the most selfless people I knew. She found out through watching me one day that I was having a hard time. The next day I was greeted by some flowers with a simple tear-evoking note that she was thinking about me. Just prior to these flowers this same person was given the harsh news that her cancer surviving chances were minimal. Yet, she chose to take that time and effort to watch out for me and give me some sort of comfort for my hard day. It was a simple act, but it was genuine and absolutely undoubtedly selfless. Many more acts of service has this shining example not only shown me but so many others. She was a giver, and her example will never be forgotten.

This post is for me more than any. I feel overwhelmed by all the good that I have received through so many family, friends, and even strangers.  It's hard to keep your head up when practically everyone around you is caring for you at such great lengths that you don't feel worthy of. Through every act is the face of my Saviour, whom I know that I could never repay. But, just because I cannot repay, doesn't mean I can't help in the joy of passing it forward.

Heaven's slice is living charitably.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Getting the most bang for your buck!

In the spirit of the holiday season fast approaching I figured this is a post everyone can use.

There are several ways that you can achieve getting the most out of your money: First there's the 'Free Factor' to consider, in which not a dime has to be spent. Then there's the 'Pricing Factor' where you research and determine where the bulk of the money actually goes to. Lastly there's the 'Emotional Factor' where your heart leads you to what would financially be worth the most to you.

Free Factor examples - Donating blood, spending time with someone who is house or hospital bound, giving unused or unwanted foods to someone, having a good long visit with someone who is lonely, giving someone a genuine compliment, helping someone with their groceries, reading a story to a little one, holding someone's baby, taking someone's cart back for them, watching someone's kids, driving to someone's house that doesn't get many visitors, sharing your talents and skills for someone else's benefit, truly listening to those that are speaking to you, volunteering your time in a play/benefit function/shelter etc., going carolling, giving a hug, giving a smile, making a phonecall to a business just to give a sincere compliment, visiting with someone at a grocery store until they decide they need to rush off, painting a little girls nails, making someone laugh. There are many many more that fall into this category

Pricing Factor examples - There are a great many charities out there, some of which once personally investigating give not even 50% of your proceeds to the actual persons in need due to many of them being run by paid employees. Obviously getting the most bang out of your buck in this category would indicate that you would have to give to a charity or cause that runs off of unpaid workers so the proceeds go straight to those in need. Here is one such place where 100% of your money will go to the cause you indicate:

Emotional Factor examples- This one truly gives the most bang for your buck as your heart is what leads your decision and therefore gives you the satisfaction of love and peace from it. These are causes where family, friends, and community play key roles in the development of a cause that's ever so dear to you or them. Though they may or may not be free, and may or may not have unexpected additional fees, you still feel you got the most bang for your buck.

Always remember this Christmas season:

"...the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" -D&C 18:10

If you give of yourself in any way you can that "buck" can never be wasted.

Those that get the most bang for their buck have learned that true wealth comes from giving away your riches to those who are less fortunate so that they too may share in the spirit of love and thanksgiving.

Heaven's slice is charity.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

More like her

Once upon a time I was given an angel to keep forever. I had never fallen so deep in love so quick as I did for this sweet babe. This little angel required lot's of help from me in providing for her basic needs. And through all the momentous mess-filled memories and tender time-consuming thoughts, I can't help but so desire to just be more like her.

(My attempts to copy her)

Quick to forgive.

Amazed and overjoyed by what her body is and what it can do.

Not only willing, but wanting badly to help with anything and everything.

Able to find the joy in the menial tasks of the day like doing laundry, dishes, making the bed, sweeping etc.

Seeking and finding laughter every day in any way she can.

Smiling sporadically sometimes for no seemingly good reason at all.

Having a love for books.

Passing no judgment to others.

Possessing energy for days.

Having a true thirst for knowledge.

Holds no grudge.

Soaks in anything someone can teach her.

Finds pure glee in her voice.

Views most everything as a treasure just for her (especially anything on the ground).

Submissive to whatever I have planned for the day; Easily leaves her "workings" to follow me to any room I may go.

Showing others love without ever having to say the words.

Delighted in the morning she awakes to, having a deep excitement for each day that comes.

Oh to be her, finding love, joy, and fun in every part of the day. To love like she loves and give as she does I can only but try to be more like her.

Heaven's Slice is becoming like a little child.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Someday I won't have the time

Yes I may be tired.
Yes I may have fudgisicles unthawing in the car.
Yes I may have a dirty home that needs cleaning.
Yes I may have supper to get started.
Yes I may have other stores I wanted to hit up and look through.

But in this moment she is happy, and in this moment I'm the one that helped bring that smile on her face.

The truth is one day I might actually not have the time: I may have some sort of major deadline, someone else waiting for/needing me desperately, or declined health issues that place time limits.  But right now, I do have that time. I  have the time to play in the front yard of the clinic after our appointment. I have time to chase after her on the sidewalk as she goes as far away from where we parked as she desires. I have the time to let her walk down main street picking up and looking at every leaf and looking through every store window. I have the time to let her push the cart. I have the time to let her run down the isles. I have the time to let her touch every piece of clothing. I have the time to pick her up and show her what I'm doing in the kitchen. I have the time to have her put every single sock in the dryer. I have the time to let her help put away the dishes and "organize" the drawer with me. I have the time to read her the same book for the 10th time in a row. I have the time to play with her in the dirt that is our front lawn as the groceries lay sitting on the steps. I have the time to sing "sleeping bunnies" again and again for her. I have the time to let her 'refold' the clothes I just folded. I have the time to dance with her. I have the time to let her be...

It now takes me 3x longer to get anything done, but that's just 3x times longer I get to spend invested in this day we have together.

She may not remember all the fun she just had an hour ago or even 5 minutes ago. She may not be old enough to keep this moment as a tender memory to look back at. She may not realize the sacrifices I made so she could have the extra time having fun at a playground.  She may not know that her desires were met because of her Mommy's choices. She may not understand that this is her childhood I am helping build. But in this moment she is happy, and in this moment I am too.

A wise Walmart greeter once told me after coming up to my little one and making smiles at her,
 "If you don't have time for a little child then you don't have time for anything."

Heaven's slice is making time for a child.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Trick or Treat

I was so excited for this Halloween since my little one's walking around now and would get to go trick or treating for the first time! I was also excited to make good use of our dirt lawn as my hubs (I DID help a little) put up our homemade tombstones.

We get a LOT of trick or treaters; at some points you just have to leave your door open, as there's no point shutting it when you have to shut it in the next groups face (rude). 

My daughter was pretty serious most of the night, but she never got scared thank goodness! I think she was just soaking everything in as to why all these mini-adults were dressed up so weird. I'd been preparing her for the candy all week by giving her a bit of chocolate everyday (GREAT parenting I know), so that her body could adjust well to what the potential sugar overdose would do to her on halloween. (she DID go to bed somewhat close to her bedtime very willingly, though she was ready for the day again come an hour and a half later...).

Of course another reason for my elation was our family theme'd costumes, but most especially hers! I only get to dress her how I want for just a few precious years before she gets her own opinion, so I thought I'd better get an ewok checked off the list!

And a retro one from last year

Heaven's slice is embracing the holidays.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


I've done some furniture redo's the last couple of years and I'm so digging how they've turned out, so I thought I'd share some:

(Some have before's and others don't.)

Did you know that dirt and soil are different? And that if you transplant gorgeous flowers in just plain dirt they'll die? Also, that flowers need water on a regular basis? Lesson learned.

Heaven's slice is transforming things into something you see as beautiful... and finding a paint colour you adore!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

You are not what happened to you

I've been thinking a lot about the well-known cowboy proverb  to

'get right back on the horse that bucked you off.' 

Since growing up on a ranch and coming from a rodeo family this saying had only a literal meaning to me when I was younger. I was gently forced at times against my will to get back on the horse that I got knocked off of, not tomorrow, not next week, but as soon as my wind was back inside me for a for a few minutes. It taught the horse and myself to basically work together and get better.

I do realize the much deeper side to it now of course, and am so fond of the deeper meaning that I thought I'd do a little post on it ;) 

You are not what happened to you.

We have to get back on the horse that bucked us off because if we don't we're basically saying to others, and more importantly to ourselves: I'm the one that got bucked off that horse. You are defining yourself by a moment in time, a moment of failure, hurt, embarrassment, or fear. Thus you put a mark on yourself that this is now who you are. A moment, a hard moment in which you chose not to recover from is what you have chosen to label yourself with. You claim 'defeated' to be your title as you sharpie it onto your name tag; A refusal to get back on.

There have of course, as there is with every human who ever walked this journey, been many many instances where I have been knocked down. Through chance or due to my own faulted choices, these occurrences still happen ... but I know they are a necessity to conquer, to continue, to get better. I purposely put myself back in those type of situations because I deeply and truly do not want that to be  my badge, my signification, because I know that it is not me. I am NOT my weaknesses and I am NOT what happened to me.

One example of this in my life is social anxiety. I started having it in junior high and it still haunts me on occasion. But despite making up excuses to dart off to the bathroom stall or do cruises solo around town to calm my nerves, I ALWAYS came back; back to the house party, back to the classroom. It may have taken a while to get my breathing back to normal, and tears dried out of my eyes, but dangit I came back. I HAD to come back. This was not me; it is not me. It's something that effects me, but I do not claim this for mine, and it will never be an excuse not to go out or be around people. I deal with its after effects, but for me that cannot have petition over the reasoning to quit trying or to completely avoid.

You are not what happened to you.

 We tend to focus and to fixate, to hold that grudge, to keep that sharp chip on our shoulder, that knife in our backs. It is our precious, our weakness, our excuse. The justifiable, understandable excuse to not be good enough, smart enough, courageous enough, or strong enough. But do we know that this hand-held self-proclaimed excuse is only giving way to our true dark destructive thought? The thought that says: "I am NOT enough."

But you are, we all are. It's an outright lie to ourselves that we're making when we decide to never get back on the horse that bucked us off - that we are now no longer enough because of this past circumstance. To our Saviour we will always be worth it; His sacrifice wasn't made for you based on your faults; it was based on your worth. To be saved is more than just a need because you're human, it was a requirement because you're LOVED.

We get right back on the horse that bucked us off because we're fighters; we are strong and we are brave. We know that we are not our physical limits, our mental illness, our tragic experience, our sins, or our failures. We are beings with potential beyond restraint.

(PS - how cute are all these photos of our daughter with horses?!)

Heaven's slice is knowing you are not what happens to you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I need to start out by saying I am like super blessed. I've got TONS of things I'm grateful for: family, faith, health, financial stability/independence, chocolate... the list goes on forever, literally. But I think I need to focus on just one. So this is the one that really stands out to me.

I'm grateful for prayer and answers that come.

I have an abundance of deeply personal and spiritual moments in my life that to me are too sacred to share, but I also have plenty of other simple yet still profound that I can share on the subject.

Prayer is a daily thing for me, sometimes only twice a day, sometimes 10+ times a day. But the more I implement questions that I need help on into my prayers the more I find the answers and help from a Heavenly Father that loves me more than I can even comprehend.

I've always prayed my whole life and received such blessings and answers from it, but a number of years back I received a firm knowledge and testimony that Heavenly Father needed me to pray sincerely. I had kept it pretty real with him, but then a certain trial sent my way changed things, it changed my prayers. I no longer felt that I was entitled to answers to my prayers. I could pray for others, but due to guilt from bounteous blessings I had been freely handed I felt I had no right to pray for myself. I kept my fears, my questions, my life, private from Him. Until one night the strong un-ignorable feeling came to me that He wanted to hear from me, He needed to hear from me, NOW. Obviously he knew what I had attempted to hide, but he needed me to let it out to Him. So I did, it was a long prayer full of tears and heartache. I felt embarrassed the next day having shown that side of me, yet 3 days later alone on a church bench, a broadcasted talk gave me the exact answer to that exact problem I had been struggling with for so long. I truly realized no matter what our circumstances he's always there to help us, we just need to pray sincerely to Him.

Prayer is a HUGE part of my life, and I simply have no desire to ever be found without it.

I've had soooo many experiences from answers to my prayers in my own personal life that I can't deny the power:

A quick prayer to help me with my budgeting efforts on a grocery trip. I bought the most food I ever bought, came in about $20 under budget when it should have been $50+ well over budget.

A strong feeling to take a casual job in a nearby town instead of a full time one 3 blocks from my house. The casual job turned into full time within 2 weeks and I found out the other job had been cut some months later due to the entire facility going bankrupt.

A prayer said in anger with a harsh demanding request. Forgotten by me, a few months later was given to me as requested. And though at the time given to me I was very troubled by it, it was brought to my memory, that I'm the one that asked for it. Apparently he hears every prayer, even the bitter ones.


We all have precious sacred experiences in our lives from the gift and power of prayer, and I'm so glad I know when all seems lost or when all is accounted for I can always pray.

(Sorry there weren't any photos!!)

Heaven's slice is prayer.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

If YOU wonder...

If you wonder if God actually exists.

If you wonder if He knows you.

If you wonder if He cares.

You should may be watch this video:

And here's the link to read or watch it in case the above failed to show or upload: CLICK-->Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth by Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This post is basically a blanketed public invitation to a deeply private matter, so don't worry cause I nor anyone else will know you watched/read it ;)

Heaven's slice is knowing God exists and that He knows, loves and cares about you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Whiskers on kittens...

These are a few of my favourite things!

Comfort Edition

But first I must share a favourite quote:

"The best things in life aren't things." 
                                                          -Art Buchwald

That being said, here are a few of my favourite items of comfort:


#1 Fleece Sheets

These sheets bring the most amazing feel to your bed. It's like getting snuggled all night long, but with the freedom to move around whenever you feel like it and no numb arms!! Seriously you will never crawl into a cold bed with these bad boys on your mattress and they make a silent buffer whenever your partner decides to toss and turn 40 billion times a night. The only down side I must say is that it's 2 if not 3 times harder to get out of bed in the morning. They just take hold of you in a way that your morning ambition cannot. It's like getting a GIAGANTIC HUG from your bed once your alarm (or baby talking in my case) goes off as it pleads "don't leave me!" These are seriously on my bed 9 - 10.5 months out of the year. In fact it usually comes down to my hubs' boiling point of frustration for me to change them to our summer sheets. I love them!

#2 Popcorn

This is more of a comfort memory of growing up. My dad made popcorn pretty well every single night and this still seems to continue to this day.  He added tons of butter and salt which made it insanely healthy DELICIOUS, even better a day or two later where the butter could really ferment (probably not the right word choice). It's like a hug for my belly whenever I eat it at night. More especially if it's put in a big metal bowl, as that's the type of bowl my childhood popcorn resided (it made it awesome for scraping butter and salt off the sides!). Of course we rarely use that kind of bowl at our house because how can you not use the bowl that is specifically labeled "popcorn" right on it? Whoever marketed that idea was a genius; the container itself pretty much guilts you that 'this is where popcorn has to go!' Whenever I'm feeling really rebellious though I totally bypass it on the shelf and go for a different bowl. I know I hurt its' feelings, but seriously give me my agency back will ya?!

#3 My Couches

We lived off all hand me down free-bee's when we rented (That's a lie - our mattress was brand spankin new). Then we bought a nice newer home last year, so we decided it should also have nice new couches to match. Holy cow were we in for a rude awakening to the price of buying new things. But, we did look for deals and thanks to my awesome haggling skills (I really shouldn't brag... but ya, I can totally hold my own. The key is your acting skills, playing up the 'well I don't really need it' attitude... I may have a dishonesty problem) we were able to score these couches for reasonably well, even lower than the sale price with extra's added. Though we both gulped at the price we dished out originally for these, I must say that thus far they have been worth every penny hundred dollar bill spent. I realize they are not everybody's cup of tea (especially those with good posture or back problems), but they are perfect for snuggling and lounging about!! It's like having a beds in your living room disguised as couches. They are super comfy and because of the wide seat length my feet don't touch the floor when I sit back, so I feel oh so little on them (like I'm being held by a giant). My hubs and I can even have naps on them without having to spoon (this has only actually happened a few times because if I nap I wake up a bear - an angry, bitter, irritable, frustrated, saddened, perplexed, delirious, helpless cute little bear). So many family memories have already been made on these couches - reading our daughter stories, cuddling her late at night feeding her frozen grapes (excellent for teething), tickle fights, long snuggles as a family catching up on each others day, tons of reading, tons of youtube video watching... They've just been a nice little addition to our lives as new parents and homeowners. Plus they make me feel like I'm more mature than I am, I really don't why, but they just do.

Heavensslice is being in a state of comfort.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


So Fall is actually my favourite season (don't tell Summer!!!) and here is why:

1) Memories of going back to school - marking a new year, a fresh start. 
2) Leaves changing colour - so crazy beautiful! 

3) Weather wise it's the unicorn to my world of horses - I love horses Summer, there's no snow and no cold and though Summer may be really crazy short lived some years, you know that every year there will be a Summer; it's fact. BUT unicorns Fall is that season you so want to believe exsists, but due to it not being an every year occurrence (at least where I live) it's more fiction than non. Unicorns and Fall are both built up in the magical world of imagination, the place in which I feel like I live part-time in.

4) The food! With not 1, but 2 holidays involving delicious food is just perfection - Pumpkin pie, yams, leftover turkey sandwiches, CHOCOLATE/CANDY, spooky looking appetizers etc.!

5) Halloween. This shouldn't need any explaining, but since a lot of adults are party poopers with this holiday I will justify myself - Um hello, COSTUMES! You get to dress up in a fun, funny, cool, crazy way without ANY judgement from others. And you get to judge others' costumes.Wait... There's usually some fun gathering to go to or an opportunity to eat hand out candy!! Tiny chocolate bars you can eat a ton of guilt-free because of how little they are. Seriously all you adults just need to grow up dress up so it's more socially acceptable for me to continue dressing up!

6) Pumpkins! I usually don't carve mine, I just leave them as decoration to freeze and rot outside. But I love looking at them!!

7) The fashion! Leggings, boots, sweaters, head warmers. I love how comfy will always be the style for Fall.

8) Fleece sheets get to come back on my bed! (watch for a post about this later)

9) It's not as sunny and bright in the early morning, making me feel guilty for sleeping in.

10) I no longer have to stress over the fact that I don't have a tan. 

Heaven's slice is the season that is upon us... and dressing up!