Friday, May 29, 2015

The boy

Who knew that your heart could double in size, making room for a new man in your life?!

Heaven's slice has 10 little fingers and 10 little toes.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I Wonder Part II

Click here for my first 'I Wonder' post.

I wonder if since the tv show 'How To Get Away With Murder' came out it's been harder for the govt. officials to decipher if those who are googling that phrase are tv fans or pre-serial killers.

I wonder why horror movie previews are allowed in the commercials with zero warning to the viewer. Thank you for forcing that image into my brain without my consent, I really needed to be terrified to my core over the next several months.

I wonder why macaroni doesn't taste anywhere near as good once left-overed from the fridge.

I wonder if anyone else has caught that Jon Lovitz was actually in two episodes of Friends as two different characters.

I wonder how Goofy feels about his best friend having a dog as a pet.

I wonder if awe is spelled "awe" or "aw". Is there 2 definitions? Like which one's the one I should use for adorable and which is the sad one?

I wonder what the heck Siri is, like how can she give those quick witted snotty little responses sometimes? When did robots figure out sarcasm?

I wonder what iCloud is... and do I really need to sign into it on my iPad or is it ok if I just keep ignoring all the pop ups wanting me to sign in?

I wonder what Kat Perkin's has been up to after The Voice (please tell me Adam Levine signed her!).

I wonder why they don't have movie clubs or tv show clubs like they do book clubs.

I wonder if my daughter is silently judging me from her play table as I take all these photos of myself or if she's getting a kick out of how wonderfully weird I am.

I wonder what parkour is.

I wonder if these contractions are the real deal or not.

Heaven's slice is having time to sit on your butt.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Beautiful Bodies part V (5) - THE STEPS

Here are the steps I've found most helpful to go through to regain your insight into how beautiful you are. I say regain because, yes! At some point in your life you knew this; watch any baby fluttering their hands in front of their eyes or toddler staring at themselves in a mirror with huge smiles on their faces - they know.

STEP #1 Find your Motive.
This is your why to the journey you are about to embark. It is the #1 step and the most vital. Anyone can do anything, good or bad, as long as they have a strong enough reason for why they are doing it. This isn't the "so I can feel comfortable in a bikini" "so I can fit into that dress"  reasoning; it can't be superficial. It's got to be deep, it's got to be personal, it has to be important. Here are a few examples:

So that I can set the example for my daughter to love herself.
So that I can be more in control of my thoughts and better dictate my own happiness.
To recover from an eating disorder that's taken control of me.
To help safeguard myself against depression spirals.

STEP #2 Become self-conscious about the way you speak about yourself.
First you must become aware of your vocal words you speak about yourself. Recognize every time you say something negative about yourself to others. Get uncomfortable with it, feel the guilt, and then... apologize to yourself, forgive yourself, and start cutting those negative words out of your social vocabulary. Your thoughts will magically start to follow suit. It'll take a great deal more self-discipline to kick the negative thoughts out, but it will be so much easier once your vocal words are no longer bullying you.

STEP #3 Find gratitude for your body.
You have a body, whatever piece of it is missing or you think needs to be missed, whatever your individual circumstance, you can always find gratitude in your body. If you have legs that can walk, if you have sight, if you can speak on your own command, or if you have birthed children, you have MUCH to be grateful for. Find your reasons to be thankful and fixate on them. Think about them often, vocally give sincere gratitude for them.

STEP #4 Protect and enjoy yourself.
Finally after you've gone through steps #1-3 successfully you can start bringing in some more external practices that'll help protect your improved self-worth:
Avoid hearing as much negative body talk that you can. Be around those who are secure and humble enough to love themselves. Erase/throw out/untag any photos of yourself that you detest. Keep those around and visible the photos you love. Relish being in your new found perspective by enjoying being you! Take your beautiful body for a sightseeing hike, paint your toes, eat food that not only tastes but makes you feel good, sew a quilt, paint, go try on clothes, plant a big ol' kiss on someone, play a sport etc.... just enjoy all that you can with the body you have.

Heaven's slice is knowing YOU'RE GORGEOUS!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day

To the women who raised us.
To the women who have suffered longing or loss.
To the women who carried and bore us.
To the women who cheer us on in all the noble endeavours we try to pursue.
To the women who hug us and rub our backs as we fight the tears.
To the women who selflessly gave us to a better home that otherwise couldn't be provided.
To the women who who provide extra care and guidance to our children.
To the women who embrace and cultivate their own unique talents for the benefit of others.
To the women who listen ever-so deliberately and delicately to the woes of our heart.
To the women we so admire.

Mother's Day is about every woman.

Happy Mother's Day Y'all!

Heaven's slice is taking time to enjoy your Mother's Day.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Tizzy

Ever get into a tizzy? 

A small insignificant whirlwind tizzy that suddenly spins up rapidly into a mini tornado?

You try desperately to not let it overpower you, especially because logically it's such a small insignificant moment that there's no way it should be taking hold of your heart the way it has. You ruminate the event over and over in your mind thinking it must be guilt I'm feeling, what was it I said/did and what should I have said or did? As you mull this over and over and over you still seem to find nothing that you did that you would have needed to change... yet you still are feeling the torment of a tornado tizzy getting bigger and bigger. You then think ok, I just need to forget about this and let it go! But how?!!!

And then you look into your darling daughter's eyes and see the sheer joy she has over life and you realize... wow I haven't even thought about that thing at all, YAY!... of course saying this in your brain has brought back up the incident you were relishing in forgetting and your tizzy comes back...

We think we just need a distraction to have us get rid of these awful feelings, that's all, or we just need to work it out in our brains and it'll subside, or we just need to spill all our guts to friends about it and unleash all this anxious anger embarrassment whatever thing this is on others. We jump on facebook giving a negative ranted status, we start pinning humorous sarcastic memes from pinterest, we make dinner, we stuff our face with ice cream, we go for a long run, we clean and organize our house, we even try just spending that precious quality time with our family... Yet these distractions either make it spiral worse or provide only temporary relief.

Praying and Reading Scriptures
It's simple yet weirdly difficult to do a lot of times. Though, through my many tizzy experiences this is the only thing that truly protects my heart from further damage and mends my mind back to peace. Sometimes kneeling quietly to our Heavenly Father seems unattainable in the midst of distractive devices at our fingertips and others in our physical presence, but the result is worth every effort. Whether I read from modern-day prophets or prophets of old, the scriptures do wonders in shining out the words that I need for encouragement and upliftment to continue on in joy, leaving my worries behind me or at least kept at bay.

Here are some of my favourite quotes from a speech by Gordon B. Hinckley that I stumbled upon after one of my tizzy's:

"I come this morning with a plea that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that we “accentuate the positive.” I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment virtue and effort. I am not asking that all criticism be silenced. Growth comes of correction. Strength comes of repentance. Wise is the man who can acknowledge mistakes pointed out by others and change his course. I am not suggesting that our conversation be all honey and blossoms. Clever expression that is sincere and honest is a skill to be sought and cultivated. "
"What I am suggesting and asking is that we turn from the negativism that so permeates our society and look for the remarkable good in the land and times in which we live, that we speak of one another’s virtues more than we speak of one another’s faults, that optimism replace pessimism, that our faith exceed our fears."
"We are the creatures of our thinking. We can talk ourselves into defeat or we can talk ourselves into victory."
"We have been blessed with the bounties of heaven and the bounties of earth. Oh, how magnificently and munificently we have been blessed! Now, with gratitude in our hearts, let us not dwell upon the few problems we have. Let us rather count our blessings and in a great spirit of gratitude, motivated by a great faith, go forth to build the kingdom of God in the earth."
"Let me urge you to desist from making cutting remarks one to another. Rather, cultivate the art of complimenting, of strengthening, of encouraging. What wonders we can accomplish when others have faith in us. No leader can long succeed in any society without the confidence of the people. It is so with us in our daily associations. "

"Look for the good and build on it. Don’t be a “pickle sucker.” There is so much of the sweet and the decent and the good to build on. "
"Said the Lord in a dark and troubled hour to those he loved, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). May the Lord bless you, each of you, with faith, with affection, with hope, with charity,.."
- Gordon B. Hinckley

Heaven's slice is knowing where to turn to mend our troubled heart.