Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Shooting Stars

Because of my love of this photo I decided to centre a post around it!

This photo is one of my absolute favourites. It not only has one of the loves of my life in it giving the face and outfit of ultimate coolness, but also Shooting Stars - my favourite flower. We were picking wildflowers right where I use to pick them growing up, and I couldn't help feeling nostalgic. 

Our lives are full of miracles, tender mercies, and beauty. If we have eyes to see them. 

A hands ability to artfully produce masterpieces. The sight of a perfect new bundle in your arms. A mountain's peak. An ocean shoreline. The diverse individual capabilities and talents of each and every human being.

There is wonder and there is good in the world. We have that handful of shooting stars. We all have that potential to dream. To soar. To reach. To change. To become.

But, there are also weeds that surround us. Under foot they tarry. They multiply. They challenge our focus. They entice us to look down instead of skyward.

If we're not careful about where our vision lies, these weeds will close our eyes to our dreams. Our handful of shooting stars.

We must look to the good. We must look up. We must find gratitude. We must find joy.

We must cling tight to our handful of shooting stars.

"God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe." 

Heaven's slice is believing.

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