Friday, January 15, 2016


that I secretly kinda love:

A cry in the middle of the night from one of my children. The reason why is because when it initially happens I have to guess which child it's coming from and I just get really giddy anxiously anticipating the next squirm to reveal the true culprit. It's oddly satisfying to be unsure which one of my children is calling out for some love. May be because it enforces the realization of the blessing that I have not only 1, but 2 children!  How lucky am I?!!!

Grocery shopping. It's like a 4-5 hour event with my littles, and I always go in with the intention of not having to go back for a month (never happens) due to my frugal nature, but I always enjoy the day that comes out of it. I get my baby close and my toddler to teach and have fun with. I went grocery shopping solo for the first time in a million years (k, may be only a couple) and though it was super quick and efficient, it wasn't very joyful. I cherish the conversations I get to have with my little ones staring back at me in the shopping cart; it's just a fun day.

Filling up with gas. I really don't know why this is, may be because as a teenager the local gas station was where all the socializing and cool kids were at so I still feel oober cool being there... or may be probably it's the prospect of a coke slurpee... Either way, I really like it.

The end of a cold. Let me be clear - I HATE COLDS an insane amount. When my throat hurts it's like possibly the worst psychological turmoil I can handle without divine intervention. That being said, you know the tail end of a cold where your throat is perfectly fine and wonderful and your nose is only somewhat runny? There's this brief period where your face feels like a permanent post sneeze just occurred and it feels FANTASTIC.

Toys in my bedroom. When I stumble upon some toy in my bedroom at the end of the day after the kids are asleep it's like they carved their name yet again onto another side of my heart declaring:"I was here."

A teething baby. My boy is in this stage and oh how I'm adoring it! He's a little more clingy, unhappy, drooly, and wants to eat a lot more, but there's these particular precious moments that I just love. I love the "NOM NOM" part of teething! When I go to hold or kiss him and he aggressively goes to bite me with his drooly gums on anything he can get a hold of, it just puts a big ol' smile on my face. In particular, I love it when he goes straight in for my cheek. I can't explain it, I just adore it!

Heaven's slice is seeing the rose amongst the thorns.

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