Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beautiful Bodies

I was unsure how to tackle this post as I feel like there's potentially a mega majority that won't agree with it - which is totally fine as we're all entitled to our opinions... Just please know I never intended on offending anyone, this is just my personal view on something really important.

I'm a little perplexed. (Thank you dictionary for making me seem smarter than I am. - If you read that in a Jimmy Fallon voice you're cool like me.)

The media's high trending topic it seems is to redefine beauty as to whatever body you're in and loving it - which I DEEPLY agree with. I'm perplexed though at the way they are attempting to achieve this: naked or nearly naked photos of women or women walking about scantly dressed in highly public sighted areas.

Why do you have to publicly show your entire body to the world to show you have a love for it? And how does this really help the self-esteem cause in any way? This makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

Having a positive increase in your self-image is deeply personal and individual (hence the SELF).

When I see or listen to certain headlines they entice me that there is a feel good universal self-esteem booster coming my way... And then all I see is naked images... Um, thanks?...These images are a super let down to me.  I don't care if you're a super model size -1 or hometown hero size 37; exposing what is publicly meant to be covered has nothing to do with increasing your self esteem in your self-image. When I have a really good day where I feel most beautiful in my own skin the thought never crosses my mind to display almost every square inch of me to the public. When I'm insecure however, thoughts do come where I feel the pressure of 'the flaunt.' Feeling good about how your body looks and your feelings towards it has nothing to do with anyone except yourself; So why are the media heads that be force-feeding images of women in their undies to promote self-esteem? There is now naked images of a variety of different shapes of people becoming more prevalent in the media, which is supposedly an attempt to promote a love for one's own body... but seeing these images has never made me feel more secure about myself AT ALL.

Props to media for trying, but the fault was never that only seemingly perfectly slender, busty girls made it onto all the covers of magazines; it was the seemingly nude images themselves that were always the problem.  

Hopefully this get resolved soon as I'm sick of the let down's. Bodies are beautiful and bodies are sacred. Bodies were never meant to be advertised for all to see in order to show that they had worth. I would get more out of the commercials and web links if they would just show women dressed in their every-day get up relaying their own personal stories on how they increased their self-esteem, regained their self-worth, and saw the beauty in their own body. I'm willing to guarantee none of them would say, "I gained it when I posed nearly naked for photos to be plastered on the internet." So, until this starts becoming the way the trending topic is relayed you can stay tuned for my personal 'Beautiful Bodies Part II' story.

Beauty is not something that is flaunted, it is silently just known.

Heaven's slice is modesty.

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