Thursday, April 23, 2015

Insecure Momma Drama

Over the past few months I've noticed several links to articles bashing what other parents have done for their kids and vocalizing why their way is right. As I've read these posts, all I really get from them is that the author is obviously insecure about how they parent - They felt the need to quickly go public with specifics on how someone else is parenting/living different than them so they must be wrong. Good parents inspire others to find their own way and encourage them, not throw out fact after fact and advice after advice from their own prideful (insecure) brain.

Being different isn't wrong.
Just because Barbara Liv Sally likes to let her children make tons of messes doing crafts and experiments, doesn't mean that Becky Lou Sue is a bad parent for trying to maintain a clutter free home with having her kids clean up throughout the day. Just because Jill Fan Gladys decorates elaborate gorgeous cakes for her children's birthdays doesn't mean Jane Franny Glory is a bad parent for writing a long birthday letter every year for that child storing it for their big 18th birthday gift. Just because Peggy Tate Joe cooks quick simple meals doesn't mean that Precious Tori Jane is a bad parent for spending hours in the kitchen cooking gourmet elaborate meals. Just because Lucy Doll Terry makes her kids go puddle jumping in whatever clothes they're in doesn't mean Louise Day Tom is a bad parent because she makes sure her kids are in nice clean clothes and has them keep it that way.
(I should have been an official cabbage patch doll namer)

Pinterest is NOT out to get you.
If you are getting offended at seeing prettified images of people and things pertaining to parenting and entertainment with their kids, you need to take a pro-longed vacation from the inter-web. All pinterest is is ideas; ideas to take or leave, pin or scroll down, to use/copy or ignore. 

When you're a happy parent, you're the BEST parent. 
A parent that's stressed and overwhelmed makes their kids also feel stressed and overwhelmed. Hence a parent that is happy also has happy kids (of course it's ok not to be happy at times). The key to being a happy parent is finding out more about yourself, digging deep into what your stresses are and what your enjoyment is; simply incorporating more of your enjoyments and avoiding your stresses.  As a parent you must always provide for your children's basic needs (obviously) but as for the rest it's what you as the parent opt in for. Some people get stressed having a messy house while others get stressed having to commit to the time and energy to clean their house. Some people have a love of baking for others while others have a love of just listening to others. Some people love to be social and involved in a ton of committees, while others feel stressed in social situations and the responsibilities that incur with committees. Whatever you like to do, whatever you're passionate about, take pride in, talented with, whatever makes you happy... DO IT! And incorporate your kids with whatever that is! Sure, it's gonna take 5 times longer, but if it's something you actually enjoy doing then the time won't matter, in fact it'll be fun! You'll have a smile on and so will they.

No parent is the same, and we need to quit taking in all this advice stating parents have to be so rigidly cloned, right down to the phrases we say to our children. It's not reality, nor should it ever be. Every person is different - so too obviously is every child and parent.

I stand by what I said in my PUTTING YOUR CHILDREN IN BOXES post:

"...teach your children they are loved and show them to love. There are many ways a child can be reared, but there is one founding principle it always needs to come back to and that is love." -me

"This child came to you, therefore Heavenly Father matched your specific and individual wonderful gifts, talents, and personality to nurture this precious gift. Prayerfully raising your child with love WILL be enough" -me

I still love this quote too:
"As a mother you have been given divine instincts to help you sense your child's special talents and unique capacities." - Elder Richard G. Scott The Eternal Blessings of Marriage

Your kids are just that - YOUR KIDS. Focus on your family, not the family down the street (unless there's some serious red flags going on that need to be reported ...  obviously)

I'm very opinionated when it comes to parenting my own child, but that's because I know I'm the expert on my own child, as are you to yours. Individual opinions really only solicit the need for talk with one's spouse in how you both wish to raise your kidlets.

Heaven's slice is being a happy and secure parent.

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