Thursday, November 20, 2014

More like her

Once upon a time I was given an angel to keep forever. I had never fallen so deep in love so quick as I did for this sweet babe. This little angel required lot's of help from me in providing for her basic needs. And through all the momentous mess-filled memories and tender time-consuming thoughts, I can't help but so desire to just be more like her.

(My attempts to copy her)

Quick to forgive.

Amazed and overjoyed by what her body is and what it can do.

Not only willing, but wanting badly to help with anything and everything.

Able to find the joy in the menial tasks of the day like doing laundry, dishes, making the bed, sweeping etc.

Seeking and finding laughter every day in any way she can.

Smiling sporadically sometimes for no seemingly good reason at all.

Having a love for books.

Passing no judgment to others.

Possessing energy for days.

Having a true thirst for knowledge.

Holds no grudge.

Soaks in anything someone can teach her.

Finds pure glee in her voice.

Views most everything as a treasure just for her (especially anything on the ground).

Submissive to whatever I have planned for the day; Easily leaves her "workings" to follow me to any room I may go.

Showing others love without ever having to say the words.

Delighted in the morning she awakes to, having a deep excitement for each day that comes.

Oh to be her, finding love, joy, and fun in every part of the day. To love like she loves and give as she does I can only but try to be more like her.

Heaven's Slice is becoming like a little child.


Little Miracles said...

I love this Julie, Our kids teach us so much and I'm glad you are enjoying being an amazing momma!

Unknown said...

Awe thanks Cassy!