Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Deciding on Best

Well I did it - I burnt myself out.

Not completely. But close. I've been so good at keeping an 'un-busy' life that I took it for granted and let my guard down. I'm not the kind of person that over schedules or signs up for unnecessary things. I kind of thought that sort of thing just came naturally to me, no maintenance needed.

I was wrong.

I let my guard down, and let too many things in. Granted, my pregnancy with baby #3 kind of squoze out the space energy I thought I had to take the time for other pursuits. There were also a lot of pesky time sucking nuisances such as slow freezing daily house wifi to deal with...

I've become pretty ambitious with quite a few things it seems like this year, not the least of which was a new site (blog). Which I LOVE mind you. BUT, it most certainly isn't my everything. Nor should it ever be. My mind kind of got consumed and due to some other things I embarked on as well, I got stressed.

But isn't everybody stressed and busy? What is this post even about? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you or something?

(Just thought I'd throw this in there in case you were thinking it)

In reply to your remark, no. My usual is unstressed and unbusy (you'd think I had better wording for that...). I take my mental health far more seriously than my physical health, and I keep anxiety, stress, and depression far at bay because of this pro activeness. Of course those sort of things can't always be helped, but it has worked for me for the most part.

The trick? Deciding on best.

I forgot my New Years Resolution word, and as I flipped through my journal for a blank page I stumbled upon it.


The year of best. Best use of my time and energies. I so needed this swift reminder. There are so many good things, then some are better, but only few are best. Only few are necessary. It caused me to re shift my priorities and work-through eliminating any guilt from letting others down. It's important to not let others down. I know. But sometimes you have to carefully decide who to let down.

For me, if it's a choice between letting my family down or another, I MUST choose the 'another.' Family is the best choice. These 4 are the best choice. And by #4 I don't mean me, I mean the baby in my belly. I couldn't be more excited to have a third baby in arms! Babies just put everything into perspective, because they are the best.

So anyways that's my little story, and why perhaps heaven's slice has slipped off the radar for a time. I was deciding on best. Not to say I didn' or don't have many many heaven's slice posts in my head, but my time is limited and I must choose more wisely where I spend it.

It's not to say I won't mess up, but I'm hoping to keep up with choosing best. My deciding factor when it comes to time consumption is this:

If I don't love or enjoy doing it and/or it doesn't benefit another for good, then it's a waste of my time. 

Also, in case you didn't know - My thoughts come a great deal from this most amazing and important talk that you must read, watch, or listen to. 

GOOD, BETTER, BEST - Dallin H. Oaks 

Heaven's slice is trying to embrace time instead of wasting it.

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