Thursday, July 10, 2014

Anniversary Trip

The hubs and I have kept this little tradition since we've been married where it is the others' turn to plan Valentine's day and our Anniversary every other year. It eliminates the possible blame game over not celebrating the dates and well, it's just super fun! Every other year I get full control over where we're going and what we're doing, and then every other year I get to be totally surprised over what my hubs comes up with.

It can be made to be super extravagant or super frugal, but either way these are The rules for it:

Valentines day:
- 1 spouse plans what we're doing that day and surprises the other on the day of. (date may be supplemented on another date other than February 14th.)

- 1 spouse plans it all and surprises the other on the day of departure (date may be supplemented on a different date/weekend as long as it's close to actual anniversary date).
- Must be a trip somewhere where an overnight stay is enabled for at least 1 night.
- Must tell no one else until surprised spouse gets told. (some exceptions may apply such as needed directions from another party prior to trip date). (I'm really the enforcer of this rule as I don't want everyone else to know before I get to know cause I'm selfish like that lol. Plus someone could spoil the surprise and spill the beans to the other spouse.)
- Must be only the two of you (exception - offspring at the discretion of the parent (mostly by me - the mommy))
- Must have some sort of itinerary of activities (may be either a loose or strict itinerary at the discretion of planning spouse)

Our anniversary has become like an annual honeymoon. It's been pretty well my favourite holiday since we started this little tradition. I sooo look forward to it every year!

 Year 0
 Year 1
 Year 2
 Year 3
 Year 4

Year 5

 4 - only car shot taken


My husband and I don't believe in wearing sunglasses at the same time.

It's pretty awesome getting to set up your very own routines of fun things your family does to spend quality time together. Tons of memories are made to share and bond over with the excitement and anticipation for more. There's just some wonderful comfort that comes from things that go unchanged.

Heaven's slice is traditions.

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